About me

Initial Commit: Laying the Foundation

I am a software engineer with a background in software testing and a deep interest in backend development. While I primarily focus on backend roles, I am also open to full-stack positions. Additionally, I am eager to deepen my DevOps skills and gain more experience at a junior level.

Currently, my focus is on mastering technical skills and deepening my expertise. However, in the future, I am interested in transitioning into leadership roles, where I can leverage both my technical knowledge and mentoring experience.

My Code Compiles, Therefore I Am

I approach software development with a strong emphasis on quality, pragmatism, and craftsmanship.

While TypeScript is my primary programming language, I take a technology-agnostic approach, always striving to select the right tools for delivering optimal solutions. My understanding of computer science fundamentals allows me to quickly and efficiently learn new languages and technologies.

Outside of work, I enjoy crocheting—an activity that mirrors my approach to development: thoughtful, precise, and rewarding. It also helps me maintain a healthy balance between work and life.

Version Control: My Next Career Update

Looking ahead, I am increasingly drawn to AI, data science, and blockchain.

While my academic background is not in STEM, my commitment to continuous learning, driven by a growth mindset, and a solid foundation in computer science drive me to explore these fields. My diverse experiences, from instructional design to sound engineering, have given me a unique perspective and the ability to approach complex challenges creatively and pragmatically.

Soft Skills Daemon: Running in the Background

Effective software development goes beyond technical expertise, and soft skills play a significant role in my approach to work.

Continuous learning

I continually seek new knowledge and skills to stay ahead in the rapidly changing world.

Growth mindset

I view every challenge as an opportunity for growth.

Openness to feedback

Feedback is a key to improvement, and I highly value constructive criticism.

Persistence [1] and resilience

These traits help me push through challenges and stay focused on long-term goals.

Additional skills include adaptability, attention to detail, communication, problem-solving, and remote working.

My project, Engineering the Intangible, reflects this commitment. It's designed to help engineers like myself grow both professionally and personally by focusing on often-overlooked competencies that are crucial for long-term success.

Dependencies Installed: My Tech Skills

Programming Languages

JavaScript, TypeScript, Ruby, Bash

Frontend Development

React, Svelte, Vanilla JS, HTML, CSS, Tailwind

Backend Development & Databases

Node.js, Express.js, REST API design and implementation, SQL, NoSQL, AWS DynamoDB, PostgreSQL

Cloud Platforms

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

System Design & Architecture

Distributed Systems, System Architecture, Microservices, Serverless

Software Engineering

Algorithms and Data Structures, Code Review, Debugging, Problem Solving, Refactoring, Software Craftsmanship (KISS, DRY, YAGNI, etc.)

Testing & Automation

API Testing (Postman), Jest, Puppeteer, Security Testing (Burp Suite), Test Automation (Frontend/Backend), Unit Testing

Version Control & Collaboration

Git, GitHub, Linear, Jira

Operating Systems


I am also handy with a hammer, shovel, and other hardware tools.

Idle Threads: What Keeps Me Thinking


Uncovering the hidden order and underlying patterns that govern the universe.


Searching the meaning behind the order and chaos that mathematics reveals.


Exploring the complexities of human thought, mirroring the pursuit of order amid the chaos revealed by mathematics and questioned by philosophy.

Theoretical Computer Science

Investigating the limits of computation, where chaos, order, and meaning intersect in the search for knowledge.

Speech API: Running on Multiple Ports

  • Polish (Native proficiency)
  • English (Full professional proficiency)
  • Czech (Limited working proficiency)
  • Spanish (Elementary proficiency)

[1] It took me almost 2 years to unlock all 47 achievements in Viridi . But I have more example of my persistence.

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